🎵Automated Low-Cost IA-Assisted Mastering: Risks - Experts Guide - MProducer #3

🎵Automated Low-Cost IA-Assisted Mastering: Risks - Experts Guide - MProducer #3

In this issue I am introducing a new format: the Experts Guide. 

The Experts Guide brings together diversified opinions and recommendations from respected professionals in this field, providing you with a broad spectrum of perspectives from which to form your personal one.

The first theme on the experts table is: Low-cost IA-assisted automated mastering services: risks and problems. What do the experts think?

To create this guide I have invited a few music mixing, mastering and production professionals and asked them to answer this question:

What risks does a musician incur by using low-cost IA-assisted automated online mastering services and apps?

. Here’s what they have had to say.

Read the Guide here.

**Qui la versione italiana.**